Thursday, August 10, 2006

finally a break !

Its half way into the year I graduated.
after four years of torture , I made it through alive , with fairly decent grades ( that only I know do not in anyway reflect my potential ) and a creativity deprived IT job that will earn me a few quid .

Now, I'm not saying that I'm not grateful for what I have, but life is just too normal and ordinary for it to be good!

In the past 6 years I've have had more dreams & twice as many schemes, than the number of scud missiles exchanged between Lebanon and Israel; but in a world that works on nepotism, money and mostly on no particular logic... my goals keep loosing their exclusivity, and make me question if they are worth pursuing, and I end up looking at others living my "once" dream!

I know that the chances of me becoming some kick-ass Technical Consultant, right out of a Michael Crichton book , who is called in the middle of the night and flown on chopper , to some covert commercial facility in the middle of a desert , or an island inhabited by artificially designed creatures , or a military base in the middle of the sea .... are pretty bleak .

But the least I deserve, is to work on something I'm good at ; pursue something that I like and specialize in it ; and not be yet another clone working in an IT company with half the population of the country, most of whom don't know the A and B, leave alone the C of programming . A very unfortunate fact about the way this industry works!


Finally a break!
after applying for a million unconventional jobs ,for which I was either under qualified , overqualified or ignored ; I finally got a call from a totally rad, young startup , who happen to do exactly what I'm looking for !

For the first time, the interview made SENSE!
The interviewer, (also the guy who founded the company), respected one attribute that many tend to ignore: Common Sense!
I was thrilled to discuss about my childhood dreams; about a small school project that nobody had ever taken much interest in, until now; about how intelligence rocks and education does not; about my final year project that took me a month to construct and just ten minutes for him to understand (over the phone!!); about my philosophies of treating the A-star search algorithm as a way of life....

If only our country worked this way!

I've not been recruited by him yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. But if I do join, then I'm sure my life will be < in a phrase that I've been liberal with after the interview > ..... KICK ASS!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey !

me checkin out the blog world after a very very long time.. pretty surprised to that u have actually posted something.. :-)

and good to hear that u may get to do something which u the world doesnt suck as much now eh ?
;-) good for u ! all the best.

Fri Aug 11, 05:46:00 AM 2006  

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