Thursday, December 15, 2005

happy b'day

wat does " many many happy returns of the day " mean ?

my whole life i've never understood wat it means !

i feel the phrase is symantically , synaxically , and a whole lotta other -callies WRONG !

wat is being returned anyway ?
wat was being lent , tat had to be returned ?
and why does it keep returning every freaking year ?!
and why is every one so happy abt its return ?

and , they are not just happy !!
they are happy many times over .
no-no , no-no !
they are happy MANY , MANY times over .
two many-ies !

wait a minute , so is that why they throw a party ?!
cuz everyone is really happy abt the returning of the thing !!


anyway PRIZA and T : many many happy returns of the day to u !!


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